Senin, 05 Desember 2011

David Cameron : EU treaty change threatens co

David Cameron has seen the unity of the coalition in Europe on Sunday to break one of the most Eurosceptic Tory cabinet has said that a signficant change in the EU Treaty should trigger a referendum.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Nicolas Sarkozy in Paris on Monday to thrash a plan to save the euro for the first EU summit on Thursday, Iain Duncan Smith, the Work and Pensions Secretary, said voters should be consulted of any significant changes to the EU legal framework. Minutes before Nick Clegg, the deputy prime minister, said in an interview that a separate major amendment of the Treaty does not require a referendum.

Duncan Smith added that if the top leads to a renegotiation of the Treaty, the Prime Minister should use repatration Iain request of British power from Brussels, while Cameron played down the prospect.

The suit illustrates how damaging a real treaty could be renegotiated to the coalition. The government wants an urgent solution to the debt crisis of the euro zone, which threatens to pull Britain into recession, but if the plan is revealed by Merkel and Sarkozy will lead to a genuine reform of the Treaties of the European Union, will keep Cameron unity of the coalition more difficult.

In an interview with Sky News, Duncan Smith, said: "If there is a significant modification of the Treaty is now law that we have a referendum." He held that position was Cameron.

But a few minutes before Clegg told the BBC's Andrew Marr Show: "The referendum occurs only when there is a surrender of sovereignty to the EU further from us."

Clegg said that this was what the government has accepted the European Union, the law passed earlier this year saying government can not delegate to the EU, unless they get the public support in a referendum.

Cameron is a real renegotiation of Britain's relationship with the EU to postpone because the Liberal Democrats and Conservatives were divided on the issue. But Duncan Smith argued that the repatriation of powers must start now.

"If [eurozone] application and want to see Change Treaty, we have every right to say, look, there are many things that are wrong for those of us outside the euro area," said Duncan Smith.

"It would not be blocked, so the worst of all things, that you will suffer in one direction, but we have nothing to say, so we should have the repatriation of powers."

Duncan Smith also complained that there had been "a total lack of leadership in the euro area" in recent weeks. Clegg was less critical, but said a solution to the crisis is crucial, because "the whole building for the euro area is based ice skating is quite short."

On the continent, the leaders said that a solution must be found to the debt crisis and the EU would collapse. Torn between the need for stability and a desire for solidarity, EU leaders for an immediate solution for the euro area and find a long term plan for unity by embracing tax Friday.

The Portuguese Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho, set the tone for the week on a Sunday interviewon: "We need an answer, a much stronger response than has been found that if we do not, of course, that would be the end of the EU .. "

Sarkozy's main rival in the presidential elections next spring, the Socialist leader Francois Hollande accused him of caving in to German demands for a new EU treaty on budgets that were doomed to failure, weakness, worsening the imbalance in a relationship with French Berlin and forgetting the need for immediate solutions.

"We can not wait," he told Le Journal du Dimanche, who stole a "Governance and Growth Pact", brought more to the intervention by the European Central Bank, making the rescue fund, the EFSF in the bank " to help the most vulnerable countries "and the massive investments in infrastructure.

When the Social Democrats in Hamburg Congress', the former chancellor Helmut Schmidt Merkel warns against a "show of force" for Germany, which would simply isolate.

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