Rabu, 16 November 2011

Smoking in cars should be eliminated to protect anyone

Smoking should be banned in cars to protect drivers and passengers - especially children - to inhale the poison is far worse than those found in smoky bars, the doctor has asked the nation.

British Medical Association (BMA) urged the ministers in England to extend the ban on smoking in public places introduced in 2007 for all vehicles in an effort to protect public health.

Children are particularly at risk from secondhand smoke in cars because they take more of the chemicals in cigarettes than adults and may not be able to refuse to travel in a smoky car.

BMA has called for a ban after reviewing studies that have been published in cars and smoking.

Car occupants exposed to toxins 23 times what they would encounter in a bar, review the BMA found. Parents, who are more likely to have breathing problems, also added risk of health damage from inhaling smoke in the car, he said.

The government is not possible to do what the BMA recommends, however. "We do not believe that legislation is the most effective way to encourage people to change their behavior," Health Department spokesman.

But the BMA hopes that the government handed over in Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast, which pursue innovative health measures such as minimum pricing of alcohol and consent for organ donation allegedly, could take action themselves.

"We urge the British government to take bold and courageous to ban smoking in private vehicles," said Dr Vivienne Nathanson, head of BMA science and ethics of "Proof. An extension of smoke-free legislation is exciting."

All-party Parliamentary Group on Smoking and Health calls on ministers to hold a public consultation on how to deal with smoke in the car. While polls show widespread support for banning smoking in cars carrying children, the move would be difficult to implement and will not protect adults, members of parliament and colleagues say.

British Lung Foundation said it would support the ban, because the children were "literally trapped in the car and have no choice but to breathe smoke."

Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health also supports the more limited action.

But David Cameron, a former smoker, recently announced its opposition to ban cars. He hailed the success of the ban on smoking public places, which he opposed at the time, but added: "I am more nervous about entering what people are doing with in-vehicle," said Labour MP Alex Cunningham, who was seeking the support of Parliament for a private members bill The proposed ban on smoking in cars carrying children.

Health Department next year will launch a marketing campaign in Britain to determine the risk of passive smoking as part of an effort to encourage people to smoke less, a spokesman.

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